About ServionXchange

ServionXchange was created to provide an easy, straightforward process and location to allow credit unions the opportunity to take advantage of the participation market.


Although our clients include banks, ServionXchange was created with credit unions in mind.  We created it to provide a simple and straightforward resource for credit unions interested in taking advantage of the benefits of purchasing participations.

The credit union industry has entered a very unique time regarding commercial lending. Credit unions will have the ability to expand their loan holdings with commercial loans without the previous concerns over CAP management.

But as is true with all things, there is an upside and a downside. Along with the ability to participate at a greater level, NCUA will also be expecting greater due diligence and risk monitoring of these loans.

As it has always been, the final decision resides with the credit union. With the changing loan types and risk levels, the additional review by seasoned lenders provides that additional edge in the review process.

Participation Opportunities

The following list includes all loans currently available through the exchange.